Sarah Dsane-Nsor is a PhD student in the HCI Lab and the Centre in ICT4D at the University of Cape Town. She is a lecturer at Koforidua Technical University in Ghana, and a fellow of the Hasso-Plattner Institute Research School at UCT.
Sarah’s topic: The Trust Determination Model: A Grounded Theory Approach
Expectant and lactating parents are inundated with diverse pregnancy, birth, nutrition, and childcare related information online via social media and websites. The parents’ ability to determine trustworthy information amidst such an extensive resource of unsupervised content is critical, particularly for users seeking online health information. We applied the grounded theory approach to derive a model for the first 1000 days (FTD) parents’ information-seeking behaviour. The FTD is the period between conception and the child’s second birthday. We present the lived experiences of how expectant and lactating parents seek and trust online health information.